účtovnícku firmu v Bratislave
Slovenské účtovníctvo podľa SVK legislatívy + výkazníctvo - mesačne profit + lost / US GAAP a Balance sheet 1/4 ročne
- počet bankových účtov 1 ks
- počet dopravných prostriedkov 2 ks
- počet pokladničných dokladov za 266 ks
- počet vystavených faktúr 72 ks
- prijatých faktúr 278 ks
- počet interných dokladov 165 ks
The activities required from external accounting company
- book of sales and purchase invoices (local, abroad)
- book of the card payment
- book of bank
- book of cash vouchers (SKK, foreign currencies)
- book of allowances
- book of internal documents (leasings, salaries, rent, depreciations, exchange rates, book of the monthly package and advertisement material consumption, book of adjustment, book of all year-end operations
- cooperation with tax advisor
- cooperation with the auditors (including preparing all documents which they require)
- issue the statistics required by statistics offices (monthly and quarterly )
- count the salaries incl. related administration (Social and Health ins.companies, tax office etc.)
- monthly financial report (P/L)
- quarterly balance sheet
Tax advisor activities:
- prepare and issue the VAT tax return (quarterly)
- issue road tax return
- issue income tax return
The activities required from WC employees:
- issue of sales invoices to local customers incl. issue the book of sales invoices
- issue of sales invoices to abroad incl. issue the book of sales invoices
- issue cash vouchers and cash book
- issue the book of purchase invoices (from SK and abroad)
- issue the allowances voucher + their book
- submit all needed document to accounting company (contracts, leasing timetables, etc.)
- prepare monthly package and advertisement material consumption incl. valuation
- preparing of the inventories of the cash, property, liabilities, receivables
- organization of cash flow and doing all payments
- prepare year budget
- debt collection
- issue monthly cash balances report to WC Manager
monthly financial report (P/L) a quarterly balance sheet se - US GAAP
Profil zákazníka: spol. s r.o. z Bratislavského kraja zameraná na urgentnú prepravu
Ďakujem za ponuku.